

Was sind Blattläuse?

Blattläuse bilden eine eigene, sehr große Gruppe von Insekten: die Überfamilie Aphidoidea, die zur Ordnung der Hemiptera gehört. Die hier besprochenen Blattläuse gehören alle zur Familie Aphididae. Sie umfasst viele Arten, die Schäden an Kulturpflanzen verursachen. Zu den wichtigsten Blattläusen, die in Gewächshäusern vorkommen, gehören:


Lebenszyklus von Blattläusen

Recognize aphids

Aphids can be identified by the following characteristics:

  • Size and shape: Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that are usually less than 6 mm in length. They have a pear-shaped body with long antennae and two tube-like structures called tubercles on their rear end.
  • Color: Aphids can be a variety of colors, including green, yellow, black, brown, pink, or red, depending on the species and their stage of development. Some species may have distinctive markings or stripes on their bodies.
  • Movement: Aphids are slow-moving and tend to cluster on the undersides of leaves, where they feed on plant sap. They may also be found on stems, buds, flowers and fruit.
  • Damage: Aphids can cause damage to leaves, stems, and flowers by piercing the plant tissue and sucking out the sap. This can result in stunted growth, curling or distortion of the leaves, yellowing, or discoloration. They may also excrete a sugary substance called honeydew, which can attract other insects and lead to the growth of a black sooty mold.

How to prevent aphids

To prevent aphid infestations in crops, you can take several preventative measures:

Practice good crop hygiene

Keep the growing area clean and free from weeds, debris, and plant residues that can harbor aphids. Regularly remove and dispose of any infested plant material.

Monitor your crops regularly

Inspect plants for early signs of aphids, such as curled leaves, distorted growth, or the presence of the insects themselves. Early detection enables prompt action to prevent infestations from spreading. Sticky traps can be strategically placed throughout the growing area to capture flying aphids and provide an indication of their population levels.

By implementing these preventative measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of aphid infestations and maintain healthier crops.


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